Visual Accoflex is a full featured accounting package - not
limited to the Belgian rules. The package can grow with your company and with the
departments. As your company expands, you can migrate Accoflex as a management, logistics
and analytical tool in your information environment.
- Multi Company.
- Multi Currency.
- Multi Lingual (User interface and print-outs).
- Multi User.
- Multi Country.
- Y2K compliant.
- Euro compliant.
- Client Server version available.
- Windows version (32 bit).
- Analytical.
- Graphical reports and analysis.
- Export to popular reporting formats (Excel, Lotus, ...).
- Automatic Faxing procedure directly from the Accounting Program.
- Fully win32 compliant.
- Can be fast manipulated with the mouse.
- Can be fast edited by the keyboard.
- Runs multiple sessions.
- Security on company and user level.
- User restrictions can be modified per module.
- Intuitive interface.
Some preview samples.
If you are interested in some preview screens, please click on the
button «VAF-Preview»
Supported environments.
- Microsoft Windows 95, 98, SE
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
- Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Native supported Databases.
- DataFlex (Free of charge)
- Pervasive SQL Server 7 and newer (charge for the drivers)
- MS SQL Server 7, 2000, 2005 and newer (charge for the drivers)
- Oracle 8 and newer (charge for the drivers)
- IBM DB2 (charge for the drivers)
- Others can be supported through ODBC